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Series of female superheroines who maintain law and order in the universe and fight against space debris. Based on text descriptions, the series was generated with the open source AI system DALL·E 2. It is conceived as a commentary on male-dominated space travel and of male-determined self-conceptions of space conquest. It was created in the context of an artist residency at European Space Agency (ESA/ESOC) in Darmstadt in collaboration with Kultur einer Digitalstadt that I held in 2022. Since then, I have continued to further develop the work, which simultaneously questions the practice of AI in which “heroines” are standardized as white, young, slender, mostly blond, scantily clad, over-sexualized women.
asian looking plus size heroine wearing a turtle neck fighting villains and orbital debris satellites in the back comic style
plus size heroine with short dark hair wearing a turtle neck fighting orbital debris comic style
heroine with dark hair fighting in space satellites in the back, comic style
asian plus size heroine wearing a turtle neck fighting villains and orbital debris satellites in the back comic style
black heroine fighting space debris, satellites in the background comic style
black space heroine fighting debris comic style
Heroine defending space against villains and space debris, comic style
black space heroine fighting debris satellites in the background comic style
muslim heroine with a headscarf fighting space debris comic style
handicapped heroine with dark hair fighting villains and orbital debris, comic style
handicapped black heroine wearing a turtle neck fighting orbital debris comic style
heroine with grey hair wearing a turtle neck fighting orbital debris, satellites in the back comic style
asian plus size heroine wearing a turtle neck fighting villains and space debris comic style
Series of female superheroines who maintain law and order in the universe and fight against space debris. Based on text descriptions, the series was generated with the open source AI system DALL·E 2. It is conceived as a commentary on male-dominated space travel and of male-determined self-conceptions of space conquest. It was created in the context of an artist residency at European Space Agency (ESA/ESOC) in Darmstadt in collaboration with Kultur einer Digitalstadt that I held in 2022. Since then, I have continued to further develop the work, which simultaneously questions the practice of AI in which “heroines” are standardized as white, young, slender, mostly blond, scantily clad, over-sexualized women.
asian looking plus size heroine wearing a turtle neck fighting villains and orbital debris satellites in the back comic style
plus size heroine with short dark hair wearing a turtle neck fighting orbital debris comic style
heroine with dark hair fighting in space satellites in the back, comic style
asian plus size heroine wearing a turtle neck fighting villains and orbital debris satellites in the back comic style
black heroine fighting space debris, satellites in the background comic style
black space heroine fighting debris comic style
Heroine defending space against villains and space debris, comic style
black space heroine fighting debris satellites in the background comic style
muslim heroine with a headscarf fighting space debris comic style
handicapped heroine with dark hair fighting villains and orbital debris, comic style
handicapped black heroine wearing a turtle neck fighting orbital debris comic style
heroine with grey hair wearing a turtle neck fighting orbital debris, satellites in the back comic style
asian plus size heroine wearing a turtle neck fighting villains and space debris comic style
Swaantje Güntzel, 2022 SPACE HEROINES // DALL·E 2022-10-11 11.37.08 - black space heroine fighting debris satellites in the background comic style 70s