born 1972 in Soest, Germany
lives and works in Hamburg, Germany
Assistant to Andreas Slominski
Postgraduate Studies Fine Art, School of Fine Arts Hamburg, Germany
Master of Arts in Anthropology, University of Bonn, Germany
Artist-in-Residence, Ricklundgården Saxnäs, Sweden
Fellowship Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) Potsdam, Germany (2023-2024)
Working Grant NEUSTART KULTURplus, Stiftung Kunstfonds
Artist-in-Science, Kultur einer Digitalstadt Darmstadt
in collaboration with European Space Agency (ESA/ESOC), Germany
Working Grant NEUSTART KULTUR, Stiftung Kunstfonds
Working Grant “Neustart Kultur,” Stiftung Kulturwerk/VG Bild-Kunst
Residency Grant “Kunstwerkstatt Turmstraße”, Monheim am Rhein, Germany *
Project Funding Kunststiftung NRW *
Project Grant / KunstKommunikation, DA Kloster Gravenhorst, Germany *
Project Funding Regionale Kulturpolitik Münsterland (RKP) *
Project Funding Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) Kulturabteilung *
Residency Grant “Artist in Wittenberger Weg”, Düsseldorf, Germany *
Artist-in-Residence/Work Grant Glasslåven, Norway *
Residency #1 ARTECITYA//Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki, Greece *
ars loci 2015 Art Award//Neuhoff-Fricke Foundation for the Promotion of Arts and Science
Artist-in-Residence, Ricklundgården Saxnäs, Sweden*
Research Grant, Danish Arts Council
Artist-in-Residence, platform Vaasa, Finland *
Artist-in-Residence, RONDO-Atelierstipendium Styria, Graz, Austria
Artist-in-Residence, Bergmangårdarna på Fårö, Sweden
DIVA - Danish International Visiting Artists Exchange Programme, Danish Arts Council, Denmark
Artist-in-Residence, kunstGarten Graz, Austria
Travel Grant Kulturbehörde Hamburg, Germany
Project Grant Goethe Institut La Paz, Bolivia* Project Funding
Solo Exhibitions
Die besten Grüße vom Nordpol sendet Dir Deine Freundin Wilhelmine, Löwenvilla Potsdam, Germany
NORD, Kunstverein Lippe, Germany
Normalitätssimulation, Galerie Holthoff, Hamburg, Germany
PRESERVED // Rågens rike / Finland 2024 *
PRESERVED // Der Garten der Synagoge, Kulturraum der Synagoge Lippstadt, Germany *
INSTANT PARADISE, Stadtgalerie-Villa Dessauer Bamberg, Germany
What happens in space stays in space?, Atelier Kultur einer Digitalstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Dead species walking, Atelierhaus im Anscharpark, Kiel, Germany
Können Sie nicht mal was Schönes machen?, Galerie Holthoff, Hamburg, Germany
Klimarondell, Städtische Galerie im Park Viersen, Germany
PRESERVED // Schwemmland / Monheim am Rhein, Kunstwerkstatt Monheim a. R., Germany
[INSTANT] LANDSCAPE, Städtische Galerie Eichenmüllerhaus Lemgo, Germany
Eurythenes Plasticus, Schloss vor Husum, Germany
PRESERVED // Altland - Neuland [Gemüseschießen], Schloss Senden (Westf.) * PLASTISPHERE/Church, Lutherkirche Osnabrück, Germany
LOOPS, Alte Steingiesserei Plochingen, Germany
coffee to go, Goethe-Institut Paris, France
SOLASTALGIA, Syker Vorwerk, Syke, Germany
KiddyRideFun, Galerie Holthoff-Mokross Hamburg, Germany
Plastic Fallout, Bernheimer Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
Hidden by the surface, Villa de Bank, Enschede, Netherlands
PRESERVED//Survival Gardening, Kloster Bentlage, Rheine, Germany *
PLASTISPHERE, Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki, Greece *
spring cleaning II/Fårö Sweden/PERSONA On-Screen GROUND, Nicosia, Cyprus
Plastisphäre, Kunstraum 2025, Hamburg, Germany
plastisphere, PAiN - Performance Art i Norr, Lapland Sweden
FLOWERSHOOTING II/CITY-Graz, Austrian Sculpture Park, Graz, Austria
Larmes de sirène, SchauRaum Harburg, Germany
FLOWERSHOOTING, Galerie Dynamo Expo, Enschede, Netherlands
FLOWERSHOOTING//overhanging fruit, GrensWerte, Dutch - German borderland
Instant Pets, Galerie des Westens/gadewe Bremen, Germany
solstice fern, PAiN - Performance Art i Norr, Lapland, Sweden
spring cleaning, Bergmangårdarna på Fårö, Sweden
survival gardening, XBunker Sonderborg, Denmark
Anthropocene, Joachim Rong Galerie, Berlin, Germany
the age of plastic, GalerieXprssns, Hamburg, Germany
Der Mensch im Raum, Burg Horn, Germany
Group Exhibitions
Infinity - Emptiness - Liveliness, Planetarium Hamburg, Germany
Touch Nature, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, Austria *
Schöne Aussichten, Kunstverein Bahnitz, Germany
Echos der Zukunft, Biosphäre Potsdam, curated by Tuçe Erel, Germany
Caspar David Friedrich. Kunst für eine neue Zeit, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany
Lianzhou Foto Festival, China
BLITZblank. vom Putzen - innen, aussen und überall, Frauenmuseum Hittisau, Austria
Examples to follow! explorations in aesthetics and sustainability, Uferhallen Berlin, Germany
Brennstoff, Städtische Galerie Viersen, Germany
EAT. ART. CONNECTIONS, Wasserschloss Reelkirchen, Germany *
ANGST - Krisenindikator oder Überlebenstrieb, Künstlerverein Walkmühle Wiesbaden, Germany
Das Ende der Malerei - Karl Hagemeister und die Malerei heute, Bröhan-Museum Berlin,
KUNST:STOFF, Museum Zinkhütter Hof, Germany
Fernweh - Reisen in der Kunst, Klingspor Museum Offenbach am Main, Germany
Clear River, Calm Sea 河清海晏, curated by Bettina Freimann, St. Katharinen Hamburg, Germany
teamwork, Schloss Agathenburg, Germany *
In der Mitte des Wetters, Wetterwerkstatt Offenbach am Main, Germany
Hidden Landscapes. Landschaften des Anthropozän, DA Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst,
Examples to follow! Expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability,
Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
Wi(e)der das Böse, Bomann-Museum Celle, Germany
New adventures in vexillology #7, Kunstverein Amrum, Germany
gegenGewalt? Markuskirche Hannover, Germany
Ich hasse die Natur!, Schiller-Museum Weimar, Germany
Gewaltig! Nordsee, Nordfrieslandmuseum. Nissenhaus, Husum, Germany
spring cleaning, Stadtbesetzung Detmold, Germany
GIRL GANG_FOR FUTURE, GadeWe Bremen, Germany *
ZERO WASTE, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, Germany
Gravenhorster Gärten, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst *, Germany
Maskottchentreffen, Salon Erika, Winterthur, Switzerland *
RESET* Landpartie/mixed arts, Münsterland *, Germany
Examples to follow! Touring Exhibition on aesthetics and sustainability, Erfurt/Germany
Science Fiction Festival, Ahlen, Germany *
DEEP SEA, Ystads konstmuseum, Sweden
SAISONALE, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Germany *
PRESERVED//Grünkohl, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst & selected locations in Westphalia *
DEEP SEA, Städtische Galerie Bremen, Germany
DREHMOMENT - Das Produktionskunst-Festival, KulturRegion Stuttgart, Germany
Ansbach Contemporary, Ansbach, Germany
Wonderland I, Bernheimer Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
Examples to follow! Touring Exhibition on aesthetics and sustainability, Bonn, Germany
ACTOPOLIS TOURING EXHIBITION, Old Slaughterhouse Thessaloniki, Greece *
Material Boys & Girls, Bernheimer Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
Gross Stadt Dschungel, Bunkerhill Galerie, Hamburg, Germany
Millerntor Gallery #7, Hamburg, Germany
Mixed Realities, Bernheimer Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
EAF - Enter Art Foundation, Berlin, Germany
When did we stop playing? Anna Laudel Contemporary, Istanbul, Turkey
Plastic - Material without Memory, Künstlerhaus FRISE Hamburg, Germany
Y - WHY ? Bernheimer Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
Plastic Obsession, UBA/Umweltbundesamt Dessau, Germany
Plastic Fantastic ? Honolulu Museum of Art, Hawaii
Paper Works #003, Galerie Holthoff-Mokross, Hamburg, Germany
Perform now! Performance Festival Winterthur, Switzerland
Award Exhibition ars loci 2015//Zeitgeist, Rathaus Nienburg/Weser, Germany
DIALOG/Triennial of Photography/Hamburg, Das kleine Schwarze, Hamburg, Germany
Kunstlandschaft5, Kulturdenkmal Mestlin, Germany
ARTweek Aabenraa 2015, Denmark
PPP* - Festival *Past Present Perform Westphalia, Germany
MUTTERBODEN//MODER JORD, Intervention German-Danish borderland
GrensWerteWeltAusstellung, Kloster Bentlage, Rheine, Germany
greenart II, Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Oldenburg, Germany
the end of the world-or why the world won´t end? Performance Festival, platform Vaasa, Finland*
FULL OF LIFE, Das kleine Schwarze, Hamburg, Germany
Massnahmen zur Rettung der Welt Teil II, rotor - Center for Contemporary Art, Graz, Austria
Up the trees, Kunstmuseet Brundlund Slot, Aabenraa, Denmark
ARTweek EXTRA! 2012, Aabenraa, Denmark
flotsam & jetsam, TACTIC Gallery Cork, Ireland
dual nature, ARTweek Exhibition Space, Aabenraa, Denmark*
overhanging fruit, Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, Germany
urban wild, kunstGarten Graz, Austria
autotroph, Loki Schmidt Haus Hamburg, Germany
Teile des Ganzen, Kunsthaus Nürnberg, Germany
Hector Award Exhibition Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany, participating at Vitales Archiv
Long Night of Art, Schwäbisch Hall/Goethe Institut Schwäbisch Hall, Germany
Reconstructed Zone, Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Germany, participating at Vitales Archiv
Nature-Man, Harz National Park, St. Andreasberg, Germany
Banegaarden Kunst og Kultur, Aabenraa, Denmark*
ARTweek Aabenraa, Denmark*
Paradise - a forbidden garden? kunst in kontakt Hannover/Gartenregion Hannover, Germany
Germany in a box, Der Werkhof Kiel, Germany
ArtSpring Bremen09, Germany, participating at Vitales Archiv
Waldland, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung MV, Rostock, Germany
Urban Jealousy /1st International Roaming Biennial of Tehran, Iran
Utopia of Space, National Museum of Fine Arts, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
TILL forever!, Bomann Museum/Museum of Art Celle, Germany
poliflur 01/01, Berlin, Germany
Paulas Kinder, Büro für Kunst, Bremen, Germany*
Galerie im Park, Bremen, Germany
FELDER, Goethe Institut Schwäbisch Hall, Germany*
ELBart 2005, Hamburg, Germany
Biennial of Contemporary Art Cochabamba/Bolivia, Bolivia*